Nitro Tour 1/10 Scale 2WD |
To day I did something that I have wwanted to do
for a long long time. I got my first "metanol"/nitro car. :)
It's supose to look like a Subaru Impreza. |
This is the cassi whit out any paint. |
DAMN it looks meen at this angle. |
This is the base plate whit out any weels or servo's. |
Another angle. |
This is the key that came along whit the box, that I was supose to screw
on the weel nut's whit.
But the damn thing broke of. CRAP! So now I only have one wheel on half way. I got all my tools at a friends place, so there are not much I can do right now. |
Fule. One liter. Should be fine for about 2.5 houers of driving. |
Had to get a new control as well. There was another one included in the deal, but I changed it to this one instead.
I allways had this other controles before, this once whit two "sticks", but I kind of like this one better. |
Servo controle box. |
One of the servo's. |
I know the Subaro "normaly" is blue, but I wanted something that no one eals has so I took red. Think it can be nice. |
This is Screw cement. I have put that under each screw, so thay want come of when I drive later on. |
To day I started to work on the car again.
Masked the windows whit tape. |
Washed the inside whit YES, to take of all the fat. |
Cut out the cassie and the wing thats going to be at the baggage door (tail). |
Got a new tool for the tires today. |
Pint job has dryed up. |
Still looking meen! Start picking of the window tape soon. |
Had to keep the cassi at the addict over night, becource my girl tought that it smell'ed to damn much. Dident help much saying that it smell'ed nice. :( |
Starting to remover the protective plastic. |
If you wounder I pinted it on the inside! |
OK, plastic is of. |
You should see it for your self. Umm umm ummm. DAMN! |
Total success. Nice and shiny |
This is all the decals that going to be all over the car. |
Had to get a new tool aswell. :) You can never have to many toys. |
To bad my girl dont feel the same way. |
Problemas... DAMN IT! I never tought that it should be this hard to put this car together.
I was supose to drill a hole in the exhaust pipe. Lycky me I got this drill yesterday. |
So I started to drill this hole. They
wanted me to use a drill whit the diameter of 2.9mm, yeah right. Like I
had one of thos just lying around here. Anyway I tought that 2.5 or something
like that would probly do just fine. Guess again. Becource in this hole
there are going in a "thing" where you can hock up a hose/tube.
They also want me to make the [screw]thread. Once again, YEAH RIGHT. So Im kind of stuck right now. |
This is the thing that I was drilling up the hole for. The plastic in the exhaust pipe is to damn hard, so I cant
just screew it in. I need help right now. |
But I managed to get all the wheels on it now anyway. :)
I also got the servos in place. But I have no ide of what the normal possition should be. I probly find that out as I go along.
Something stroke me to day that I totlay missed. Im used to electric cars.
Anyway, what I figured out that I feel kind of stupid saying is. There
are no back, the car can only go forword. |
Starting to get some of the decals on. It's damn hard to get them on nice.
I tend to get bubbels under the big once. Espachaly if the surface is curved. |
This is the "charger" for the "glowpin" (I have no ide what the enlish word is) |
OK.. The thing is in place. I whent back to Wentzels Hobby and they helped me get it in place! :) |
Had to get some filter spray. Damn messy to get all that in one place after I sprayed it whit oil. |
The car is done! Finaly :) |
Have not tryed it out yet, but I think we can solve that problem next weekend. |
This is raly dumb! The air filter is hard to get at, and I have to use a "buntband" to keep it in place. This filter have to be cleaned every time after a run.
I think they could have come up whit some better ide then that. |
Top view. Have to do something about the tubing, right now they slide on the pin that controles the breaks, and that cant be good in the long run. |
Put all the electronics in plasticbags so they want get all messed up when the oil and gas hits it. |
I have to get a better camera, this one sucks. |
OK. All the decals is in place. |
Top view. |
Had some problems whit the bigger decals, they tended to rynkel or bubble is they where over alot of bended surfaces. |