Sqoerk & McSnow are ready to start there journey from Germany up through Denmark and in to Sweden in there seartch for elks, deers and beers. |
Ferry |
Lellinge, that sounds like something we say around midsummer. Now we take the Lellinge. |
Starting to approach |
OK, I heard the campingcar was big, but a basketball court... |
Hey, we have water in the taps here in Sweden =) |
Camping dinner... Fishsticks and ??? Snowballs? |
First stop is at Torekov to met Magellan. |
Magellan. |
Don drove over from Helsingborg. |
Dons babe, Sara. |
Second stop in Kalmar |
Oberg bros |
Get a haircut DAMN IT |
Sqoerk |
McSnow |
Oberg2 got some ants in his pants again. |
From left to right McSnow, Sqoerk, Oberg2, Oberg, DrWize. |
It does not look like Sqoerk is likeing his samon. You should have taken the biff. |
This is what Sqoerk is doing when McSnow goes to bed. |
OK, visit the harbour. |
McSnow and Sqoerk doing Kalmar... |
For a bunch of dudes going on a drinking trip through Sweden there is not many babe pics... Think I have to fix that when they come up to Stockholm... =) |
Sege and Sqoerk |
29/4-2003 |
A new day |
And so they landed in Stockholm |
Dinner at Kungshallen. It's a place where maby 20 diffrent restaurantes are located in the same building. We all took Indian food.
Sqoerk had to take the most spicy one... Hehehe... |
Kungshallen |
Bjorn meet up with us. |
We when to a place called Strix for beers. |
Location of Strix |
Sqoerk and McSnow tought the beer they served first tasted like water, so we orded this kind instead. |
Picked out of a horror movie... |
Nice to drink beer out of a nice glass for a change. |
Sqoerk was complaining about the rain and his shos with hole in them. |
Location of the campingsite. Bredäng |
30/4-2003 |
A new day |
I invited Sqoerk & McSnow over for lunch. |
Journeyman also came along. |
Made spagetti bolognes. |
McSnow wanted to check some things on the net, they tought the internet cafe was to slow.. =) |
Trip back in to town. |
This is the only place in Sweden where you can buy boos, wine, and strong beer. |
We picked up Marco in town. |
Whent back to there house-truck for some refrechments.. |
Kapoff! |
This evening was something that we in Sweden call Valborg. We lit this huge fires. Stand around and look at them and drink beers or boos. |
This is the smallest Valborg fire I ever seen. They are normaly like 20 meters in diameter, but I guess thats not possible in the middle of the city. |
Yes we had beer with us. |
It was damn hot... |
This girl was talking to us for some time. I dont know if she realy got what we was doing with all this SETI@Home things... |
OK, lets leave the fire and go to some pub. |
What a beautiful picture =) |
Marcos girlfriend came and joined us. |
Marcos GF and McSnow |
So very gooood. |
Sqoerk and McSnow made there own t-shirts, because they missed the time we did our last large order. |
Last desperat atempt to get in at a bar for that last beer... Did not go so well, but now the day after when the headake have started to fade, I think it was for the best. |
Marco with GF. |
Subway, on our way home. |
2/5-2003 |
A new day |
Meet up with the dudes for some coffey. |
Then we walked all over town, because Sqoerk wanted to look at shoes. |
Swedish goverment in the bakground. |
We walk all the way down to the south parts. |
And in to another cafe for some more coffey. |
Journeyman meet up with us, and took over. I had to say goodbye! |