So the Swedish Championship in Machine Dance took place at Heron City this weekend.

Was about 50 participant, both girls and boys.

I guess the age was around 15-20 on most of the participants.

Alot of people stoped and watched, and TV was there and interview'ed.

Here is an DDR Extreme.

Here is In the Groove 2 and in the background is an old Euro Mixer 2 that is converted to an In the Groove 2.

This was totaly new. 8 danceplates was wireless conected to a computer and everyone was dancing to the same beat.


People could just not stop watching.




Heron City have alot of other machines than dance machines.


Alot of car games.

An old NeoGeo with Metal Slug 2. =)

This is a nice one. The house of the dead 4. The screen is asum. Have not tryed the game yeat...