Got hold of a super nice marquee - Space Duel. |
Har to figure out a nice way to put in light, because they look asum with a little light on them. |
Orded some transparent joystickballs with bubbles. |
Got this because I want to put in House of the dead in it.. |
Got hold of two new cabs that I wanted for some time.
The Rene Pierre have a rotatible screen. |
Found an old foto of boys room back at ~1991.
My first arcade is standing in the background - Ghosts 'n Goblins. |
Marble Madness =)
Got hold of some nice marquee's.
Finaly I got hold of a Defender. Going to fix it, because it got ram problems...
Check out the serial number on Twinklestar Sprites... Well, if it wasent a bootleg...
Starting to get tight of space again...
Got a realy nice small monitor from Uncletom. Going to use it for a test rig.
Naomi I/O Card, got it at a nice price on E-bay.
My MGCD, prefect tool for playing DC games in the cabb.
Ordered some Happ buttons from USA.
Games I play right now.
I took one of this testers that was attached to alot of my games and installed it in the cab. directly to the powersupply. Now I can see if 5V and 12V is ok without measure it with a multimeter.
All my CPS2 games -1. 1 is still in the arcade.
Need to sell of alot of PCB's because I dont have room for them. It look like the Tycon family lives here now.
Got a new fluorescent lamp for my candy.
Cleard out some crap from my shelf to get room for my MVS games.
Capcom got a new place to.
Tilda desperatly trying to see over the controles. She is jumping up and down when I play. =)
Extra controle card attached to alot of my games. It check so the voltage is ok.
JAMMA Connection in my Capcom
Sound Connectors
I have had alot of strange things happening in my cab, here there are things connected that should not be there at all.
When I measure the voltage it's so strange that nothing should work...
Realiced that my power supply is fucked up totaly. Connected a PC power supply and it worked better, but it dident have the strength for all games.
Anthor64 was so amazed that he had to take a picture. =)
Better to start all over and get it right. Never let a moron to work on your cab....
This 25 pin is connected to all joysticks and buttons.
Old one out, in with the new.
Got a new power supply from anthor64
I also put in some new buttons so I can controle coin 1 & 2 and Test.